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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 63, Issue 4, pp. 1105-1473

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Radial Structure of Traveling Waves in the Inner Ear

Hongxue Cai and Richard Chadwick

pp. 1105-1120

Simulation of Wave Interactions and Turbulence in One-Dimensional Water Waves

Kurt M. Berger and Paul A. Milewski

pp. 1121-1140

Optimization of Acoustic Source Strength in the Problems of Active Noise Control

J. Loncaric and S. V. Tsynkov

pp. 1141-1183

Intermittency in the Transition to Turbulence

A. C. Fowler and P. D. Howell

pp. 1184-1207

White Noise Analysis of Coupled Linear-Nonlinear Systems

Duane Q. Nykamp

pp. 1208-1230

Hyperbolic Homogenized Models for Thermal and Solutal Dispersion

Hsueh-Chia Chang and Vemuri Balakotaiah

pp. 1231-1258

Evans Function Stability of Combustion Waves

G. N. Mercer, H. S. Sidhu, R. O. Weber, and V. Gubernov

pp. 1259-1275

Anisotropic Polarization Tensors and Detection of an Anisotropic Inclusion

EunJoo Kim, Hyeonbae Kang, and Kyoungsun Kim

pp. 1276-1291

The No Response Test---A Sampling Method for Inverse Scattering Problems

D. Russell Luke and Roland Potthast

pp. 1292-1312

Virus Dynamics: A Global Analysis

Hal L. Smith and Patrick De Leenheer

pp. 1313-1327

High Frequency Behavior of the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Random Inhomogeneities

Albert Fannjiang, George Papanicolaou, and Shi Jin

pp. 1328-1358

Approximation of the Integral Boundary Layer Equation by the Kuramoto--Sivashinsky Equation

Hannes Uecker

pp. 1359-1377

Bifurcation Analysis of a Prey-Predator Coevolution Model

Fabio Dercole, Jean-Olivier Irisson, and Sergio Rinaldi

pp. 1378-1391

Analysis of a Model for Multicomponent Mass Transfer in the Cathode of a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell

E. Birgersson and M. Vynnycky

pp. 1392-1423

Large Solutions to the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for Planar Magnetohydrodynamics

Dehua Wang

pp. 1424-1441

The Wiener--Hopf Technique for Impenetrable Wedges Having Arbitrary Aperture Angle

V. G. Daniele

pp. 1442-1460

Myriad Radial Cavitating Equilibria in Nonlinear Elasticity

Jeyabal Sivaloganathan and Scott J. Spector

pp. 1461-1473